
apartamento #06

apartamento #06

The new issue of apartamento has arrived! As always the nearly pocketable little rocket packs a punch with more than 230 pages of refreshing anecdotes, poetry, interviews, interjections and excellent photography. Most importantly, this “everyday life interiors magazine” exposes the fascinating and extraordinary habitats of some particularly inspired individuals. It feels charmingly like a well lived-in home itself, so carefully curated are its bounty of contents.

This time around you’ll find a whimsical reflection on plastic (which amounts to a half lament for a utopian past that never came), an ingenious New York penthouse shack, fornicating frogs, kitchenware robots, a colouring book, mushrooms, and sizzling Paz de la Huerta. Miranda July even makes a cameo! Creative direction (and many of its photos) comes from 2DM’s Nacho Alegre.

This one’s staying on our coffee table for a long time.

Find it at cool bookshops, design stores and boutiques the world over. Like colette and Post Poetics.

Tag Christof, photos from the bureau. Special thanks to Marco Velardi!